The service life of the driver, the second most important structural element, also strongly depends on the operating conditions. A driver consists of a large number of electronic elements, each of which can deteriorate, and even the world’s leading manufacturers promise an estimated service life of their drivers of only 25,000 – 30,000 hours (about 5 years). It is obvious that the service life of the driver is much shorter than the service life of the diode. Therefore, its design should provide for the possibility of LED power supply repair.
Also, the driver can fail due to either too low or too high temperatures. The maximum operating temperature determined by the parameters of the driver is –55 … + 60 +С. Meanwhile, most domestic manufacturers indicate the operating temperature range of –60 … + 60 ˚С on the nameplate. In the event that the driver is installed in the same body with the LED (or even worse, above the LED), then additional heating of the driver can reach 20-30˚С, which will necessarily lead to its destruction when the environment heats up to + 30˚С.
Obviously, the customer must ensure that the design of the current driver complies with the temperatures occurring on it during operation.
We came up with a solution: firstly, we separated the body, which means that the LED and the LED driver were placed separately to prevent overheating. Unlike many other luminaires, the driver is placed in a separate box, and air circulates between the luminaire body and the box with the driver. Secondly, the function of adding cooling or heating elements has appeared: this is a plate that self-adjusts, which solves the problem, for example, with outdoor cold places for fixtures.