EXELED ™ is the world’s first replaceable LED module system for explosion-proof lighting, which was developed using the idea of customization (patented solution). The use of replaceable LED modules for explosion-proof lighting solves a huge range of technical problems, which…

Unrepairable LED lights
Explosion-proof LED lighting can become unusable for one of the following reasons: failure of the LED or power supply due to overheating or overcooling, a short circuit due to moisture condensation. Faced with a breakdown, the customer very often may…

Overheating or overcooling of the LED driver
The service life of the driver, the second most important structural element, also strongly depends on the operating conditions. A driver consists of a large number of electronic elements, each of which can deteriorate, and even the world’s leading manufacturers…

Overheating LED
It is known that the light emission of an LED, like other light sources, inevitably decreases over time. However, the LED, unlike other types of sources, does not burn out over time but dims. According to the standards established by…

Condensation problem
One of the most important factors that determine the service life and, in general, the performance of explosion-proof LED lights is the condensation formation. After all, the water that enters the body is the crucial cause of LED failure. Usually,…